After decades of bad health, countless doctor appointments and never-ending pain … I was at the end of my rope. In 2017 I landed up at the rooms of a nutrition specialist with the hope that weight-loss would alleviate my symptoms. Well, Dr Hester Visagie quite literally saved my life!
At the ripe age of 42 I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. The genetic test was positive, my symptoms were chronic and finally I knew what was causing all my ailments. Several months later I had a gastroscopy done, and my diagnosis was changed to Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity. Either way, I can’t eat gluten.
For the first time in my life, I am not inflamed, I am not being “poisoned” by my food and life is certainly looking better. All my strange aches and pains have disappeared, I am in the best health I have been and yes, I have lost a whole lot of weight!
My youngest daughter shares the same gene and tested positive for Celiac Disease on the blood test screen. She was 10 years old when our gluten-free story began. We are both so sensitive to gluten now – after accidental ingestion, within an hour I am doubled over in pain, have a swollen mouth and am covered in a rash; my daughter immediately gets canker sores in her mouth and suffers with headaches thereafter (having said all of that – it must be noted that our symptoms have lessened in severity over the years).
My husband and I, along with our two teenage daughters, live in Roodepoort, Johannesburg. Living a gluten-free life as a family certainly has its challenges. That’s why bringing Celiac Safe to life has been a burning passion for me. I have spent so much time in the supermarkets reading all the ingredient labels! I feel the need to share this information and I hope you’ll tag along with me on this unique journey ♥
When life hands you lemons, make gluten-free lemon meringue!
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